I offer a range of bespoke in person and online workshops
Please email me to plan your workshop
Phulkaris Talk: Folk Embroidery from Punjab
I use my personal collection of traditional Phulkari embroideries to explore the craft, stories and meanings associated with these exceptional textiles. This accessible and highly visual talk includes personal stories to help bring these embroideries to life.
The in person or online talk can be extended to include a workshop where participants create their own Phulkari motif using contemporary methods.
Introduction to Indian Hand Embroidery
Using a range of personal embroideries from my collection, I support participants to learn stitches and motifs found in North Indian hand embroideries. By the end of the workshop, each participant would have created their own embroidered artwork full of colour and character.
Community Projects
I have extensive experience of working with diverse community groups. Please contact me to discuss online or Yorkshire based projects, talks or workshops. An example of a recent project can be found here.